Our Kindergarten Program
Preschool / Kindergarten Program of Study – General Overview
As educational program should encourage the development of each individual and should promote intellectual curiosity, independence, objectivity and creativity. At Summit Academy, the instructional program ensures that each student will experience excitement of a challenge, the satisfaction of accomplishment and the development of a strong and confident self-image. This is accomplished by employing innovative teaching strategies, cooperative learning and providing individualized attention to the student.
The emphasis of the program is the development of the whole child. Keeping in place the current educational trends, Summit Academy seeks to develop the intellectual, social and emotional aspects of each student. Emphasis on self-esteem and confidence is fostered and reinforced throughout the year. The students of Summit Academy are exposed to a wide variety of curriculum resources representing the highest quality and standards available. A strong academic program designed to engage and challenge is the foundation of Summit Academy’s educational philosophy. The focus on achieving grade level, world class standards in the critical core subjects of Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and Mathematics rates high on the list of our school objectives. Ongoing standardized testing assesses achievement level and specifically identifies areas strengths and weaknesses.
In kindergarten, the major goal is to help the child become comfortable in school. The students will learn to get along with others, follow rules, and some of the basic skills needed to read, write, and do math. The curriculum benchmarks are outlined below:
Social/ Emotional Skills
Understand how people in communities work together.
Develop self-esteem
Develop good values
Use good manners
Develop good people skills
Communicate effectively with others
Build and maintain friendship
Work cooperatively in group
Manage and resolve conflict
Make good choices in challenging situations
Avoid anti-social behavior
Language Arts
Recognize and form uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Match sounds to each alphabet letter.
Recognize and use rhyming words.
Begin reading words by using initial consonant sounds and such sound patterns as -an and -at (fan, man, can) and (sat, rat, pat).
Recognize a few frequently used sight words such as: the, and, is.
Capitalize the first and last name of a person and the word “I”.
Count, recognize, and write the numbers up to 100
Identify, draw, cut, and name basic and 2D shapes
Classify and group objects according to such characteristics as shape, color, size, texture, and so on.
Counting and Cardinality
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Measurement and Data
Social Studies
Develop good values and self-esteem
Understand self, individuals and relationships
Understand symbols and their meaning
Understand how people in communities work together
Recognize locations and familiar places
Understand relative time of event
Science Discovery
Use their five senses to make simple scientific observations.
Understanding the needs of living things
Describe properties of common objects
Compare and sort common objects by one physical attributes (e.g., color, shape, texture, size, weight)
Communicate observations orally and through drawing

2024 - 2025
( As of 31/08/2024)